A poem for Dad, by Jonathan Barter

Created by Hanna 9 years ago
Dad Tired are the legs that have carried you, ninety years long; Tired is the heart that has beat so strong; Tired are the lungs that have given you air; Tired is your body, it’s time for your bed. So sleep, Dad, sleep, you’ve earnt your rest well, Ninety years of duty, such stories to tell. But what of that Spirit, does it rest too? Is it in the gentle kiss of a summer’s breeze, The sunlight glinting on the morning dew? Is it drifting above the trees on a blackbird’s song? Is it everywhere, watching over us, with us, among. Goodbye for now Dad, this parting is not the end. In the meantime God bless, sleep peacefully, Until we meet again. Jonathan Barter 2014